These allow you to tweak the nougat-styled status bar and notifications, which is the biggest aesthetic difference in the upcoming operating system. here you can tweak the quick settings to your heart’s desire, and choose how your notifications look.. Back in android 4/5, date was shown in the status bar along with time. however, i recently upgraded to nougat/7 and now date is gone from the status bar and there doesn't seem to be any setting to re-add it.. With this material status bar pro you can completely change your notification panel and more to your mobile.. if you like my video then make to subscribe the channel.. previous videos:-.
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In one application contains its own shutter and the status bar, launcher, setting devaysa, camera, multi-mode, etc. home uniqueness of the project - the existence of those who make similar interface of a shell (for example: android 7.1.1). all this works on almost any version of android without root-rights requirements.. A new and open source theme from xda senior member ohayoubaka called statusbar icons should work on any samsung nougat device. with it installed, you can get custom status bar icons, the status. Hide (more) icons from status bar the ability to hide icons from the status bar was also present in marshmallow, though hidden under the system ui tuner menu. the option is still hidden in android nougat, but now it offers the option to hide even more icons from the status bar..